
The zombie has been a popular aspect of American culture since George A Romero’s classic film Night of the Living Dead. These hideous creatures with a high protein diet were introduced to the American forklore by the African slaves of pre-independent Haiti. With a cultural origin located half way around the world, it provokes a person to contemplate where else in the world the zombie fanatics epidemic has taken root.  

Like most of everything we have, the American people share this fascination with the undead with good ol’ England. Popular games, like Plants vs. Zombies and Call of Duty: Black Ops, are available on both continents and each country airs television shows like The Walking Dead (though they may not be exactly the same episodes). Yes, we share much in common with our sister nation, but the English certainly have their own methods of celebrating the life of the undead.


An article from the Huff Post stated that a U.K. based company call Zed Events “has been using an abandoned Berkshire mall to provide thrill seekers with a game simulating a zombie apocalypse.”[1] The participates that paid the $189 are equipped with “weapons” for the 2 to 2 ½ hour activity of zombie maiming and individual survival[2]. But these zombie fans aren’t the only ones that are preparing for the infestation, the Huffington Post presented another article on Britain’s plan for the aftershock of a zombie Armageddon. The telegraph from the British government officials states that:

“In the event of an apocalyptic incident (eg zombies), any plans to rebuild and return England to its pre-attack glory would be led by the Cabinet Office, and thus any pre-planning activity would also taken place there. The Ministry of Defense’s role in any such event would be to provide military support to the civil authorities, not take the lead. Consequently, the Ministry of Defense holds no information on this matter.”[3]


This is not the first time British officials have responded to inquires about a possible zombie apocalypse. The Huff Post stated the Bristol City Council provided detailed plans on how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse based on the spread of infection[4]. This is not unlike the preparations that The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have created for the United States in the case of an epidemic.  It’s good to know that some countries are taking these extra precautions to protect their citizens from these slothful, petrifying menaces to society.

[1] Sunshine, James. "'Zombie Apocalypse' Comes To Abandoned U.K. Mall Through Live-Action Game." The Huffington Post . Ed. Arianna Huffington. AOL, 20 June 2012. Web. 13 Oct. 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/20/zombie-apocalypse-zed-events-abandoned-mall_n_1612936.html

[2] Sunshine

[3] Sieczkowski, Cavan. "Britain Zombie Apocalypse Plans Revealed In Freedom Of Information Request." The Huffington Post. Ed. Arianna Huffington. AOL, 26 Dec. 2012. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.

[4] Sieczkowski
